Wednesday, September 2, 2009

H1N1 lagi...

I got fever, cough and flu since yesterday. Since H1N1 nowadays really worrying, I quickly went to the clinic. Alhamdulillah I got free treatment at UM Student's Clinic. (I am having my elective posting here in PPUM). Jimat duit..

I met a lot of patient having H1n1-like ilness here in the ER of PPUM. So that I think there may be a possibility for me to get infected.

The doctor also said so. "H1N1 la ni..Kitorg pun semua dah kena ni."

Therefore, I got MC for 2 days to have a rest at home and only symptomatic treatment. High fever - tuam-tuam juga lah kepala ni.. Batuk-batuk - I have to wear a mask at home.

Doctors and med-students are one of the group at high risk to be infected. Last Sunday, I read about the first doctor died of H1N1. (Inshallah ganjaran besar menantinya...Mati ketika membantu orang yang di dalam kesusahan)

Last but not least, di bulan Ramadhan ni, banyakkanlah amal yang boleh menambah pahala. Setahun hanya sekali saja peluang kita bersua dengan bulan yang penuh dengan keberkatan ini. Siapa tahu, ini Ramadhan terakhir kita??


  1. Salam Fez,
    Syafakillah! Get well soon dear~
    Skrg awk kat malaysia la ye?
    Smpai bila ye? :)
    Boleh la jmpa nnti, insyaAllah!

  2. selamat bertugas dan berkhidmat cik doktor :)

  3. syida,
    Allahu yashfik.. Ha,skrg kat msia..
    Nnti kte jumpa yeah, insyallah. boleh shoping2 ke, konvoi raya ke.. best2..

    kak yana,
    terima kasih. Bila nak jumpa akk ye. Boleh stori-mori..:)
